Monday, November 10, 2008

A busy week ahead

Wow, I have so much to do this week I'm not sure when I will have time to blog.

I am helping a friend with her daughters wedding on Friday, for around 400 people, lots of details to tend to between now and then. I will include some photos of the reception food etc. as soon as I can.

These events are always fun to do, but a worry until the final hour. You want everything to be perfect for the bride and groom's very special day. I thought this was one of my hobbies I was going to put on hold for a little while, but there always seems to be one more person out there that needs help.

I shall return in a day or three or four....
Have a great week and remember, "wherever you go, there you are"!


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

A day or three or four would have been the 14th. Let's get your priorities straight.

Get up.
Visit the Loo.
Go to work.
Come home.
Blog if for some insane reason you didn't do it before breakfast
And then, if you didn't do it after work either blog every minute until bed.

So, I suggest you blog right away so you won't have to blog all night.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Your week has lasted about eight! What's up? Did you have a lovely Christmas? How about a photo or two and some words?

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...
